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Callista medarbetare Christian Hilmersson

Changes to .attr() in JQuery 1.6.x

// Christian Hilmersson

This is somewhat old news by now but during this summer I ran into some problems while trying to upgrade a big Javascript code base from JQuery 1.4 to 1.6. It seems that the step to JQuery 1.6 has been cumbersome not only for me but for a lot of JQuery users out there so I would try to explain the (IMHO) biggest pitfall with this migration in my way as well.

In JQuery 1.6 there is a new function named .prop() to access DOM properties and alongside with that the existing .attr() function was changed to handle only attributes.

Previously you have been able to use the .attr() to change both attributes and properties which the JQuery team intended to change in 1.6.

To simplify you could say that the difference between an attribute and a DOM property is that attributes are more or less the tag’s/element’s attributes that are stated in the HTML document while properties are the same values/properties but on the DOM objects, that are the browsers internal representation of the page elements,  produced by parsing the HTML. This, more or less, means that attributes are not changed after the page is loaded but properties are updated as the user interacts with the page and for example checks a checkbox but there are also other small differences.

The JQuery team describes it in this way on their blog:

Generally, DOM attributes represent the state of DOM information as retrieved from the document, such as the value attribute in the markup <input type="text" value="abc">. DOM properties represent the dynamic state of the document; for example if the user clicks in the input element above and types def the .prop("value") is abcdef but the .attr("value") remains abc.

The JQuery team went ahead and implemented the change in 1.6, which made it necessary for JQuery developers to learn about the difference of attributes and properties, but they received a lot of complaints from the users for this. The critique forced the team to rewrite .attr() once again to be more backwards compatible in 1.6.1 which was released rather quickly after 1.6.0.

Unfortunately it is still not a hundred percent backwards compatible when it comes to boolean values. There is for example a difference in the value that makes a checkbox checked by default. The default state of an input tag with type=checkbox is steered only by the existence of the checked attribute and not by the value of the checked attribute. The value of the DOM property checked, on the other hand, is denoting the curent state.

That is, the following tag …

<input type="checkbox" checked="checked"/>

… will make the checkbox checked by default and the attribute value is checked but the DOM property checked will get value true and not checked.

The other case is where we have the checkbox unchecked by default …

<input type="checkbox"/>

… then the checked attribute wouldn’t be set at all while the checked property now is false.

The changes in managing boolean values are excellently described by the creator of JQuery, John Resig, here:

All of this and the reasoning behind the changes is described in detail at John Resig’s own blog as well as in the JQuery blog here and here

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