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Callista medarbetare Björn Beskow

Facelets is coming in from the cold!

// Björn Beskow

Finally, it seems like Ed Burns, spec lead of JSF 2.0, has started to listen to the community (or at least he listened to Gavin King, according to his blog).

For several years, there has been a massive critique against using JSP as rendering engine for JSF (see this OnJava article for an example). The Facelets project provides an excellent alternative to JSP rendering, a both productive, elegant and clean solution. The only problem has been that Facelets is not standardized. On the contrary, the Facelets project has looked like more or less a one man show.

Now things are changing. The Facelets creator Jacob Hookom has joined the JSF expert group and been given the responsibility for the initial design work of what Ed Burns now calls the “top priority issue for JSF 2.0”. In the Early Draft Review Goals in the issue tracker for the spec, one of 5 goals is to provide a “Page description language (something like Facelets)”.

This is great news! We have been holding back JSF usage in several projects, due to the inherent problems with JSF and JSP, in combination with the uncertain status and future of the Facelets project. With Facelets (or something very similar to Facelets) becoming a part of the JSF 2.0 spec, that obstacle is removed. We hence seriously considering JSF with Facelets in an upcoming customer project.

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