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Välkommen till vår teknikblogg! Håll dig uppdaterad, följ oss på LinkedIn
An update on the journey of optimizing a text-similarity HTTP request handler with the new swissmap map
implementation introduced in Go 1.24.
This is the third part of the blog series “Faster startup with Spring Boot and CRaC”, where we will learn how to automate the build process for creating Docker images for CRaC-enabled applications, including how to warm up the application before the checkpoint. We will create CRaC images for reactive microservices based on Project Reactor and Kafka.
Den 19:e upplagan av Jfokus är slut och nu ser vi fram emot det stora jubileumet nästa år. Eftersom jag verkar finnas med på inventarielistan var jag på plats även i år och såg till att alla talarna fick hjälp av scenvärdar. Årets upplaga var en av de bästa jag varit på och det finns många intryck att smälta. Det här är några av intrycken från konferensen.
So you think you are in control of your software delivery process? What if I told you that your software delivery process is governed by laws just as the physical world you are living in? In this article, I will explore these often-hidden principles, helping you better understand the challenges and frustrations you may encounter in your daily work. I will offer practical strategies and suggestions to overcome these challenges and improving your teams ability to deliver software successfully.
Continuing the journey of optimizing a text-similarity HTTP request handler.
Today i will share my initial experinces with adding modifers to my keyboards homerow keys. Aka Homerow Mods.
The journey of optimizing a Go web service.
In this blog we will take a look at one way to encrypt your Kafka records using Kroxylicious. This blog post is supported by a working example with source code in this GitHub repository.
I år har jag arbetat 50 år i IT-branschen. Under detta halvsekel har jag hunnit med lågt räknat 80 000 arbetstimmar. Jag som verkligen gillar att lära mig nya saker har svårt att tänka mig ett roligare jobb. Det är faktiskt så roligt att jag också har det som hobby.
Under och strax efter Covid hade vi börjat gå på online konferenser och känt att de oftast var rätt OK, men vi saknade att komma iväg på riktigt med kollegor. När det sedan blev OK att åka ut igen på konferenser kom många iväg, men några av oss kom inte riktigt till skott igen.
In this blog we dive into the concept of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), providing a detailed explanation of their use, design best practices, and how they relate to other object patterns like Value Objects (VO), Domain Objects (DO), and Business Objects (BO). You will gain the understanding that the key to effective use of DTOs lies in their purpose: transferring data efficiently while keeping domain logic separate and testable.
In this post, I will share my journey of setting up and configuring NixOS as a daily driver from scratch. These are my first steps with NixOS, and they are neither a comprehensive guide nor a tutorial on correct usage; instead, they are stories about how I stumbled through the Nix landscape.
In part one and part two we looked at Schemas and the Schema Registry. In part three we will take a look at schema evolution in Kafka with the help of an example.
This is the second part of the blog series “Faster startup with Spring Boot 3.2 and CRaC”, where we will learn how to warm up a Spring Boot application before the checkpoint is taken and how to provide configuration at runtime when the application is restarted from the checkpoint.
Not long ago, I passed the KCSA(Kubernetes Cloud Native Security Associate) Exam, and thought that I could share some pointers about my experience in this post.
In part one we looked at some of the popular schema frameworks used with Kafka. In part two we will look at the role of the Schema Registry.
In earlier blog posts we have looked at some of the popular schema frameworks that are commonly (although not exclusively) associated with Kafka - Avro, Protobuf and JSON Schema.
This blog post will consider some aspects of choosing a schema framework (part one), and look at the Schema Registry and the role it plays in organising, communicating and enforcing your schemas (part two).
By the time you are reading this I’m quite confident many of you are already quite weary of reading about the amazing possibilities of AI in general and LLMs in particular. But perhaps you are still, on a general level, positive about AI and happy to use the tools it has provided so far, but quietly asking yourself “What now? What is next?”. This story is for you. Too.
With Spring Boot 3.2 and Spring Framework 6.1, we get support for Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint (CRaC), a mechanism that enables Java applications to start up faster. With Spring Boot, we can use CRaC in a simplified way, known as Automatic Checkpoint/Restore at startup. Even though not as powerful as the standard way of using CRaC, this blog post will show an example where the Spring Boot applications startup time is decreased by 90%. The sample applications are based on chapter 6 in my book on building microservices with Spring Boot.
With Spring Boot 3.2 and Spring Framework 6.1, we get support for some really exciting new features like Java 21, including Virtual threads, and shorter startup times using Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint (CRaC). In this blog post, I will use the source code in the 3rd edition of my book on building microservices with Spring Boot and describe how to upgrade it to Spring Boot 3.2 and Java 21.